
Is the End of the Prayers a Time for the Acceptance of Supplication- Shaikh Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajoori hafidhuhallah


أبي أمامة الباهلي رضي الله عنه قال: قيل: يا رسول الله! أي الدعاء أسمع؟ قال: «جوف الليل الآخر، ودبر الصلوات المكتوبات

Abu Umamah narrated: It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, which supplication is most likely to be listened to?’ He said: ‘(During) the last part of the night, and at the end of the obligatory prayers.’”

[Reported by Tirmidhi]

What is intended by the end of obligatory prayers? Is this supplication specific for the obligatory prayers as mentioned in this hadith or is it general for all the prayers obligatory and voluntary?

Answer: “The Hadith of Abu Umamah is disconnected between Abdurahman ibn Saabit and between Abu Umamah as in Jami’ at-Tahseel. Due to that our Shaikh rahimahullah (Shaikh al-Waadi’ee) mentioned it in Ahaadith Mu’allah Dhaahirah as-Sihha [no. 180 pg. 170]. As for the part:

جوف الليل الآخر

The middle of the night

Then it is established. Tirmidhi attached some corroborating evidences and what is supports that is the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ) :

نزل ربنا في الثلث الأخير من الليل كل ليلة فينادي: هل من سائل فأعطيه

Our Lord descends in the last third of every night. So he calls out:Is there a questioner so that I can give him…

[Reported by al-Bukhari no. 1145 and Muslim no. 758 from Abu Hurairah]

What is preserved fin the authentic Evidences is making a lot of remembrance of Allah at the end of the prayer. For example, the Hadith:

للهم! أعني على ذكرك وشرك وحسن عبادتك

O Allah, help me in remembering You, in giving You thanks, and worshipping You well.

[Reported by Abu Dawood no. 1522 and Nasaai 3/53. It is in Saheeh Musnad no. 1107]

The Prophet (ﷺ) and is Companions were not eager in making supplication at the end of the prayer. If he is eager for the acceptance of supplication then he does it before Tasleem due to the Hadith:

ليتخير من الدعاء ما شاء

So he chooses whatever supplication he wants

[Reported by Abu Dawood no. 1481 and Tirmidhi no. 3476 and Nasaai 3/44, and Ahmad 6/18. It is in Saheeh Musnad no. 1064 from Fudalah ibn Ubaid ]

As for after Tasleem, then he is not eager due to what you have heard.

And with Allah is Divine Success.

[Taken from: https://www.sh-yahia.net/show_books_36.html ]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan

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