
Is Sleight of Hand Considered Magic? – Shaikh Al-Albani

Questioner: What is the ruling on [a type of] deception which they call sleight of hand and which some people do?

Shaikh: It is called what?

Questioner: Sleight of hand, it is called sleight of hand

Shaikh: Deception (الحيل)?

Questioner: Yes, like a person pulls out money from your pocket without you realizing, then he brings it from behind your ear through a path. So is this magic?  Subsequently, does this action make its companion a disbeliever?

Shaikh: No, this is not magic. However, it is from the deception which the All-Wise Legislator prohibited”.

[Silsilatul-Huda wan-Nur no. 439]

Translated by

Faisal bin Abdul Qaadir bin Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan

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