
Is Sleight of Hand Considered Magic? – Shaikh Al-Albani

Questioner: What is the ruling on [a type of] deception which they call sleight of hand and which some people do? Shaikh: It is called what? Questioner: Sleight of hand, it is called sleight of hand Shaikh: Deception (الحيل)? Questioner: Yes, like a person pulls out money from your pocket without you realizing, then he brings it from behind your…

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The Ruling on Sleight of Hand – Shaikh al-Fawzaan

Question: Oh Virtuous Shaikh: there is a type of magic which some people do called sleight of hand, whereby a person is able to show you what is not real either due to speed, or by what is invented of playing cards which have a specific tally/count, or by agility. Answer: “This is illusionary magic. This is illusionary magic. It…

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Is it Recommended to Wear the Color Green? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad

Question: Is there a Hadith for the recommendation of wearing green clothing? Or that it is the clothing of the People of Jannah as the Suffiyyah do [i.e. they wear green]? Answer: “As for the issue of recommendation, then we do not know of any recommendation. Recommendation came in regards to white clothing*. Wearing specific colors, like green, has spread…

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Is a Good Omen (الفأل) only in a Good Word? – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen

Question: Is a good omen (الفأل) only in a good word*? Answer: “This is an example. This is only an example. A good omen can be a good word, or something visible, or well-known. Three [types]”. [Sharh Saheeh Muslim-Kitab an-Nikah, wal-Radaa’a, wat-Talaaq, wal-La’aan, wal-‘Itq tape no. 3a]. *Translator’s Note: This is in reference to the following Hadith: عن أنس رضي…

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The Ruling on Paying Zakat for a Personal Car – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen

Question: Is there Zakat on personal cars? Answer: “There is no Zakat on them.  Everything a person uses for himself, besides gold and silver, there is no Zakat on it. Whether it be a car, a camel, a tractor, or other than that. This is due to the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ): لَيْسَ عَلَى الْمُسْلِمِ فِي عَبْدِهِ وَلاَ فِي…

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