
What is the Difference Between the Word Qadar and Qadaa? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad

Question: Is there are a difference between Qadaa and the Qadr Answer: “Some of the Scholars say Qadaa is [used to refer to] the entire decree and Qadr is [used to refer to] the partial decree. That which is apparent to me is that there is no difference between them. They both come attached and are both synonyms”. [Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah…

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How can Adam be a Prophet When There was No Book Before Him? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad

Question: How can Adam be a Prophet when there was no books before? Answer: ” It is well-known that it was revealed to him with what to worship Allah, Exalted with and likewise his sons. So he was a Messenger to his children. They did not know what to worship Allah with except through his path” [Sharh Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah no.…

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Are Our Fathers and Grandfathers Who Did Not Know Tawheed, Considered From the People of Fatra? – Shaikh al-Albani

Question: Our fathers and grandfathers who did not study Tawheed nor knew what it was, are they from the people of the Fatrah? Shaikh: “The question has detail according to the mind. The intent is those who are void from the Da’wah of Tawheed. Many people do not know Tawheed nor have studied it because the Arab were an unlettered…

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Are the Seventy-Three Sects Known and are the Jahmiyyah part of the Seventy-Three? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad

Question: May Allah preserve you, do the Scholars determine or enumerate the sects which come in the Hadith about seventy three sects? And are the Jahmiyyah part of the seventy three sects? Answer: “The Scholars mention the origin of these sects. As for the Jahmiyyah, then some of the People of Knowledge did not count them as not being part…

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The Ruling on Buying Something in Installments – Shaikh Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajuri

Question: Some companies sell boats or machinery in installments. However, they increase the real price due to the installments. So what is the ruling on purchasing from them? Answer: “There is no preventative for that. This is what the majority of the Scholars are upon. For example, if they say, this boat costs one hundred thousand in cash or one…

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The Meaning of Hajj Linguistically and Technically – Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Hadi al-Wadi’ee

Question: What is Hajj linguistically and what is it technically? Answer: “All praise is to due to Allah Lord of the worlds and may peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, upon his followers, and Companions altogether. I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah without a partner and I bear witness that Muhammad…

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