
[Benefit] Saying “May Allah preserve you” If Someone Does Good to You – Shaikh ‘Adnan al-Masqari

Shaikh Abul-Yamaan ‘Adnan al-Masqari (may Allah preserve him) wrote: “Chapter: Supplication for the one who does good towards you. 1. May Allah reward you with good ( جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا) عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ حَضَرْتُ أَبِي حِينَ أُصِيبَ فَأَثْنَوْا عَلَيْهِ وَقَالُوا جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا ‏ Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I was present with my father…

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[A Poem] On Following the Book and the Sunnah – Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdillah as-Sulami al-Mursi al-Andalusi (d. 655 H.)

The Imam, the Skillful one, the Scholar of Hadith, the Mufassir, Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdillah as-Sulami al-Mursi al-Andalusi (d. 655 H.) -may Allah have mercy upon him-recited the following lines of poetry: “Whoever desires salvation then there is no [way to obtain it] Besides following the Chosen One in that which he came with That is the straight path…

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The Ruling on a New Muslim Not Being Able to Pronounce the Shahadah Properly When Entering into Islam – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen

Question: Some new Muslims, when their being prompted to recite the Shahadah [to enter Into Islam], are not able to pronounce it properly? Answer: “There is no harm in this due to His statement, the Exalted: لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope [2:286]” [Fataawa Su’aal ‘alal-Haatif (2/699)] Translated by Faisal bin Abdul…

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The Ruling on Explaining the Shahadah to a New Muslim in Their Language Before Having Them Recite it in Arabic – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen

Question: In relation to new Muslims, we have them recite the Shahadah after explaining it to them in their language so that they understand it first.Then we have them recite it in the Arabic language. Is there any harm in that? Answer: “This is good. There is no harm in it” [Fataawa Su’aal ‘alal-Haatif (2/698)] Translated by Faisal bin Abdul…

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