This is the audio and script of a Khutbah I gave entitled: The Status of the Masjid in Islam Listen to the audio here
Month: April 2016
[E-book] The Prophet’s Prayer Described by Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi al-Waad’iee
Here is a translation of a lecture given by Shaikh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Waadi’ee rahimahullah entitled: The Prophet’s Prayer Described. I ask Allah to make it beneficial
The Ruling on Reciting the Quran in Congregation with One Voice – Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan
Question: What is the ruling on reciting the Quran in congregation in one voice? And does this apply to the recording of the Quran? Answer: “Reciting the Quran in one voice is for teaching. The teacher recites a verse to the students and they recite it and follow him. There is no harm in this because this is for teaching. As…
The Ruling on Chewing Gum and Reciting the Quran – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen
Question: I saw a man who was reciting the Quran and there was gum in his mouth. What is the ruling on that? If he ate leeks after the isha prayer and says: “that the time [between ‘Isha and Fajr] is long and I also use a toothbrush and toothpaste before the Fajr prayer. [However], the gum decreases the scent [of…
Advice To a Student of Knowledge Who Feels Like Leaving Seeking Knowledge – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbad
Question: I am a student of knowledge in the Islamic University and now I do not know what happened to me in terms that I want to leave studying. So advise me. May Allah reward you with good. Answer: “This affair which you are thinking of in terms of leaving studying, is it an affair connected to those behind you…
The Ruling on Attending Training Sessions Which Have Free-Mixing Between Men and Women – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen
Question: What is the ruling on attending training sessions which have free-mixing between men and women? Answer: “If a necessity calls for that, then there is no harm, along with avoiding communicating with women and looking at them with desire”*. [‘Ilaam ul-Musaafireen pg. 86] * Translator’s Note: With that being said, the Shaikh’s final view on the issue of attending free-mixing schools…
The Ruling on Viewing Pictures/Videos
Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen rahimahullah said: “As for viewing pictures in magazines, newspapers, and television, then if it is a picture that is not human, then there is no harm in viewing it. However, he should not possess it due to this picture. If it is a picture of a human, then if viewing it is with pleasure or enjoyment by…
The Ruling on Hugging and Shaking Hands When Giving Condolences – Shaikh Yahya Ibn Ali al-Hajoori
Question: Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu Virtuous Shaikh, We notice at the time of the condolences that some people, when they want to give condolences, hug the condoled. Some people detest this severely saying that there is no origin for it in the Sunnah. They even say that shaking hands [during the condolences] does not have an origin in…
Can the Imam of the Masjid or a Student of Knowledge be the Wali for a Woman Who Does Not Have a Wali? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad
Question: A young Muslim girl lives with her mother and sisters in the lands of disbelief where her father has left her and divorced her mother. This young girl wants to get married and a young upright man has proposed to her. So who is her wali (guardian) for the marriage? Is it correct that it be the Imam of the…
The Ruling On Using the Quran Book Rest For Other Books – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad
Question: What is the ruling on using these book rests which we see in the Haram- the Quran book rests-to place our books on it? Is it an endowment for the Quran alone? Likewise, what is the ruling on using it as a pillow for sleeping on as we many people do? Answer: “Verily it was placed for the Masaahif and…