
Does Listening and Relying upon on a Weather Forecast Affect One’s Aqeedah? – Shaikh al-Albani

Question: “The Keys of the unseen knowledge are five which nobody knows but Allah. From them…and nobody knows when it will rain” [Hadith no. 1039] . If a person hears a weather forecast, of course based on their [the meteorologists] scientific measurement, and is convinced that it will rain tomorrow, does this affect his Aqeedah? This is based on my…

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How to Respond to the Greetings of Peace if its Given on Whatsapp or a Written Message? Shaikh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhayli

Question: From the questions, and this question reminds me of something which is well known with the People of Knowledge; however, it is a lot nowadays. If someone writes me a message, even on the cellphone nowadays, either a textual letter/message or on Whatsapp or such and such form, and this person gives me the greeting of peace, is it…

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Which Hand Should One Begin With When Counting Numbers: the Right Hand or the Left Hand? Shaikh al-Albani

Questioner: What is more deserving, our Shaikh, when counting. Do you begin with the right hand or the left hand…? Shaikh: Yes, of course you begin with the Sunnah Questioner: With the right? Shaikh: Yes. As for you starting with the left hand? Questioner: [Like when counting] eleven or one hundred? Shaikh: As for the left hand, then this is the…

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The Ruling on Belly-button Piercings – The Permanent Committee

Question: We report to your Eminence that the performance of cosmetic surgeries has been observed in recent times in some dispensaries, and medical clinics specifically. From these surgeries is what is called: belly-button piercing. It is an expression for piercing the belly-button and putting a ring on it like an earring. Then [a woman] exposes her belly-button when attending occasions/events…

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The Ruling on Mouthwash that Contains Alcohol – The Permanent Committee

The Permanent Committee said: “After the Committee for Verdicts studied the issue, they answered that it is not allowed to use medicine mixed with intoxicants to rinse and clean the mouth and teeth or for disinfection due to the presence of permissible and available substitutes which can take its place and are free from that [i.e. alcohol]” [https://www.alifta.net/fatawa/fatawaDetails.aspx?languagename=ar&View=Page&PageID=15444&PageNo=1&BookID=3] Translator’s Note:…

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