Question: In regards to the Qunut of Witr, is it correct to send Salah upon the Prophet (ﷺ) ? Shaikh: It is not authentic from the Prophet or the addition reported in Sunan an-Nasaai, however, afterwards it became clear to us it was an action of the Imams at the time of Umar Ibn Khattab radiallahu anhu, without anyone detesting…
Category: Fatawa
The Ruling on Perceding the Tahiyyatul Masjid Over the Iftar when the Time Enters- Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen
Question: If I entered the masjid during the time of maghrib in the month of Ramadan or other than it and I am fasting. Do I pray Tahiyyatul Masjid or sit for Iftar then pray? Jazakallahu khairan Answer: “What do you say oh congregation? Iftar does not need difficulty, dates put in his mouth and he chews it and eats…
The Ruling on a Sick Person Using Oxygen During the Day of Ramadan – Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen
Question: What is the ruling on using Oxygen which is placed on the mouth of the sick during most of the day. Does this break the fast? Answer: ” Oxygen which is given to the sick does not break the fast because this Oxygen is not a mass that reaches the stomach such that we can say: it is food…
Advice to Those Making ‘Itikaaf- Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen
Question: Oh Virtuous Shaikh, we are facing the last ten days of Ramadan after the ten middle days/nights of the month. What is your advice, May Allah facilitate for you [good], specifically for those making ‘Itikaaf. Many people making ‘Itikaaf ask about what time to start the ‘Itikaaf and when to exit ‘Itikaaf? Is it from the Sunnah not to…
The Ruling on Going to Amusement Parks- Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen
Question: Oh Owner of Virtue, many Parents go with their children to what is called Children’s amusement parks. In it are oppositions to the Shariah, such as some women displaying their bodies. The children are severely eager to go to these amusement parks. So what is the legislated ruling on going there? Answer: “These amusement parks, as our questioner mentioned,…
The Ruling on Manikins in Women’s Fabric Stores – Shaikh Ar-Raajihi
Question: Oh Virtuous Shaikh Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ar-Raajihi hafidhuhallah Assalamu Alaykum Virtuous Shaikh, we are a group of youth who work in women fabric stores. As it is well known by a lot of people, the owners of these women fabric stores display the fabric on a body that resembles the body of women called a Manikin. It does…
The Ruling on Marrying a Second Wife Secretly – Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen
Question: I want to marry a second wife. Is it allowed for me to marry in secret and not inform my [first] wife of that? Answer: “It is allowed to marry and not inform your wife of that, however, it is necessary for the marriage to be apparent and announced because the Prophet (ﷺ) ordered that. He said: أعلنوا النكاح Publicize…
The number of Prostrations in the Quran -Shaikh Muqbil Ibn Haadi al-Waad’iee
Question: We hear from the students of knowledge in Dammaj say: verily the authentic [number] of prostrations in the Quran are four. Is this correct? And where did the other prostrations come from? Answer: “Yes, this is correct. In surah Saad based on the Hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas in Al-Bukhari and he said: انها توبة نبي Verily it is the…
The Ruling on Turning Off the Lights During Taraweeh – Shaikh Salih al-Suhaymi
Question: Turning off the lights or most of it during the Salatul Taraweeh? And making the movements [of prayer] over the microphone? Answer: “This is an innovation which we heard some people do. They remain in the dark and make the movements over the microphone and the voices ,like this, are suspicious! This is not correct. This is like what…
Ruling on Zoos – Shaikh Bin Baz
Question: What is the ruling on putting animals in a Zoo and captivating them for their viewing? Answer: ” We do not know about this anything. There is no harm in that because their is something of benefit in it for the people to know these animals, to stand before them, there is no harm in that. They know the…