
What is the difference between the ‘Ashaa’irah (الأشاعرة) and the Maturidiyyah (ماتريدية)? – Shaikh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaami

Question: The questioner asks: what is the difference between the ‘Ashaa’irah (الأشاعرة) and the Maturidiyyah (ماتريدية)?

Answer: “There is no difference between the ‘Ashaa’irah (الأشاعرة) and the Maturidiyyah (ماتريدية) except for a formal difference in a core issue. Otherwise there mathhab is one. It is the obligation of interpreting the Sifaat al-Khabariyyah and the Sifaat al-Fi’liyyah. Otherwise, they differ in some issues which can be counted on the fingers. I cannot summon then in order right now, so we will leave them because they are not something of importance”.

[Qurrah ‘Uyoon as-Salafiyyah bi Ajwibatil-Jaamiyyah pg.53]

Translated by

Faisal bin Abdul Qaadir bin Hassan

Abu Sulaymaan


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