Question: Is fraud, in order to not pay taxes. permissible? Answer: Fraud is not from the ways of the Shariah and from another angle, taxes are not legislated in Islam except in necessity- as came in the previous question. However it is not allowed for the Muslim to tread a path in contrary to the established system. If his behavior…
Ruling on Taxes – Shaikh Al-Albani
Question: What is the Islamic ruling on Taxes? Answer: Taxes are what are called المكوس (tolls). The tolls are from what the Muslim scholars have agreed are not permissible except in one situation, which Imam Shaatibi spoke about in detail in his book Al-‘Itisaam when he spoke about innovation, that his statement (ﷺ): “every innovation is misguidance and every misguidance…
What is the ruling on pants? – Shaikh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Waad’iee
Question: What is the ruling on wearing pants? Answer: It is an imitation of the enemies of Islam. The Prophet – Peace be upon him and his family and him – says: من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم “Whoever imitates a people is one of them,” [Saheeh– Sunan Abu Dawood and others]. If you do not wear a thawb (a long…
Ruling on carrying a Mushaf in your pocket while entering the Washroom? – Shaikh Al-Albani
Question: What is the ruling of a person entering the washroom and in his pocket is a Mushaf, knowing that it if he places it outside the washroom he will forget it or lose it? Answer: He is not sinful the one who enters the washroom with a Mushaf in his pocket because it is not uncovered and it is…
Ruling on plucking the face not including the eyebrow? – Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Question: Is plucking the facial hair, not including the eyebrows, forbidden? Answer: Yes, it is haram. Plucking the facial hair is from the plucking which the Prophet cursed its doer, Peace be upon him and his family and him. It is a major sin, whether it is the eyebrows or on the cheeks or otherwise. [Taken from Nur ‘ala Darb…
Ruling on English Translation of Quran – Shaykh Bin Baz
Question: Do the meanings of the noble Quran written in English take the ruling of the Quran or not? Answer: No the translation does not have the ruling of the Quran. If the Quran is translated into English or into other languages, it will not have the rule of the Quran. If there is no Arabic present in it, it…
How to move the finger in Tashahhud? – Shaikh Al-Albani
Question: What is the way of moving the finger in Salah-in the Tashahhud? Answer: There is the Hadith of Wa’il ibn Hujr that he saw the Prophet (ﷺ) when he sat in Tashahhud in Salah. He said: فَرَأَيْتُهُ يُحَرِّكُهَا يَدْعُو بِهَا “So I saw him moving it, supplicating with it” [Saheeh Sunan Nasai no. 888] This movement does not…
The Principle for distinguishing between Major Shirk and Minor Shirk Shaikh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen
Question: Oh virtuous Shaikh! What is the principle for Major Shirk(Shirk Akbar) and what is the principle for Minor Shirk(Shirk Asghar)? Is disobedience considered from Shirk knowing that the love for desire and disobedience overcomes the love of Allah? Answer: The principle for Major Shirk is that it is what expels one out the religion. This returns to [the principle]…
Does Allah possess the attribute of Silence? Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Waad’iee
Question: Do you believe that Allah has the attribute of silence (السكوت) and some of the Salaf have affirmed it and used as evidence many Ahaadith from them: وما سكت عنه فهو عفو “What ever he (Allah) is silent about is pardoned” [Hadith -sunan abi dawood] Answer: Yes, that which is apparent is that Allah subhaanahu is described…
The issue of Sleep Paralysis – Shaikh bin Baz
Question: Much of what I suffer from is the sickness of Jaathoom (sleep paralysis) and I have heard many people, many times mention that they suffer from this sickness. So what is the origin of this sickness? Is it a bodily sickness or is it psychological or is it from jinn? What is the way to dispose of it? Answer: On…