
Ruling on covering the Walls – Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen

Question: Oh Virtuous Shaikh, there has come a prohibition* on covering the walls. Is this prohibition forbiddance? Next, is this prohibition for covering one side or all sides? Answer: Covering the wall is divided into two. The first division is: to cover from the outside. So he covers the house or rock as the ka’bah is covered. So this is…

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Ruling on Wallpaper, Decor, and hanging curtains-Shaikh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Waadi’ee

Question: What is the ruling on wallpaper and decor? And what is the ruling on curtains longer than the size of the window? Answer: “The Prophet (ﷺ) prohibited covering the walls whether with paper or cloth. Thus, the prohibition is general except for the window. Aisha radiallah anha said: دخل حجرتي وقد سترت لي سهوة بقرام فيه تصاوير Allah’s Apostle…

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Wearing bracelets that imitate the disbelievers or women – Permenant Committe for Scholarly Research and verdicts

Question: We see many Muslim youth, may Allah guide them, wearing bracelets of strange form and color on their hands and they say: we wear them like fashion and adornment and their is no harm in wearing them. So we want your Eminence’s opinion on these bracelets, may Allah reward you. I have enclosed [with this question] a sample bracelet.…

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Teachers restricting the course curriculum for the students before the exam – Shaikh al-Fawzaan

Question: Teachers restricting the student’s curriculum before the exams. Is this permitted or is it haram? Answer: This is cheating, it is not allowed for the teachers to do this. It is obligatory for the teacher to hide the exam from the students. The entire curriculum should be a possibility [to be tested on] in order that they [the students]…

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