Questioner: Shaikh, is it allowed for me to place a book on top of the Mushaf? And what is the meaning of the statement: “It [the Quran] is always superior and should never be surpassed” because some brothers, if something is placed on top of the Mushaf, say this. This is not allowed?
Shaikh: When something is placed on top of the Mushaf?
Questioner: Yes, Shaikh
Shaikh: Yes, this contradicts with statement of the Exalted: “Whoever venerates the signs of Allah, then that is the taqwa of the hearts” -22:32].
Questioner: May Allah bless you”
[Al-Mutafarriqaat no. 200]
Translated by
Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan