
Ruling on working as a Fashion Designer – Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen

Question: Oh Virtuous Shaikh, is working as a fashion designer impermissible knowing that he cannot find other work or that he stays away from facial drawings and he works in making it [i.e. the clothing]? Jazakallahu Khairan

Answer: Everyone who works in the impermissible, then it is impermissible for him because it is from the affair of cooperating in evil and transgression. So whoever tailors for women prohibited clothing, then he is sinful. And he shares the sin with the one who sought the clothing. Rather sometimes his sin is greater because without him [the designer] there would not be fashionable clothing. So like this it is obligatory upon the tailors. if a man seeks from them to make a thawb below the ankles, not to do so. It is not allowed for him to make a thawb for someone below the ankles because the Prophet (ﷺ) said:

‏ما أسفل من الكعبين من الإزار ففي النار

Whatever is lower than the ankles from the lower-garment, then it is in the Hell-fire

[al-Bukhari no. 5787]

Likewise, if it is sought from a tailor to tailor for a woman, that which is impermissible for her to wear because of its tightness or shortness or its light material, then it is not permissible for him to make that because that is from the affair of cooperating in sin and transgression”.

[Taken from: https://audio.islamweb.net/audio/index.php?page=lecview&sid=162&read=0&lg=856&Next=40 ]

Translated by

Faisal ibn Abdul Qaadir ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan

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