Question: What is the highest amount of lost money that is allowed to be picked up in this time period?
Shaikh: Do you mean that which will belong to him by picking it up or the amount that is allowed to be announced that it is lost?
Questioner: That will belong to him by picking it up
Answer: ” that is because their is difference between them. So that which is allowed to announce as lost is any lost item even if it reaches millions. However, that which will belong to the one who picks it up differs according to the difference in conditions and people. In the past, one dirham was expensive with the people. It was followed with concern. In our time, it is possible ten riyals is not important. If a person lost ten dirhams, he would not search after it except if it was in a close place. However, when dirham’s became plentiful in the hands of the people, liquid, as they say, if a person lost fifty riyal he would not be concerned. However, now greed for dirham’s has emerged. So sometimes we say: thirty riyal is followed after with keenness amongst the people, so it must be announced [as lost] ”
[Taken from: ]
Translated by
Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan