
What is the Cause For the Increase in Mental/Psychological Illnesses in Recent Time? – Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan

Question: May Allah be good to you. Abu Abdullah from Riyaadh send a question saying: In relation, O Shaikh, to these mental/psychological illnesses which are many and of different types in our present time. Were these known during the lifetime of the Salaf or are they recent? And what are their causes, may Allah reward you? Answer: “Allah, the Almighty…

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Which comes first: Istikharah or Istisharah (seeking council)? – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen and Shaikh Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajoori

Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen rahimahullah: “The Scholars have differed: does seeking counsel precede or Istikhaarah? What is correct is that Istikharah comes first. Istikharah precedes due to the statement of the Prophet (ﷺ): إذا هم أحدكم بالأمر فليصل ركعتين “When one of you contemplates entering upon an enterprise, let him perform two Rak’ah of optional prayer…” [Sharh Riyaad us-Saliheen (1/792)]  …

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If a Person Moves from His Country to Another Land and Then Returns to His Country For a Visit, Does He Shorten His Prayer? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad

Question: I was in a country which I am not a resident and then I went to Madinah to study. Do I have the right to shorten the prayer when I go to my original country, knowing that I will go to my original country for three or four days only? Answer: “Your original country is your place of abode.…

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Does Ironing One’s Clothes Considered From Arrogance and Vanity? – Shaikh Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad

Questioner: “In relation to ironing clothing with an iron, does it enter into vanity and arrogance? Shaikh: This is not from it Questioner: Does it enter into the clothing of fame? Shaikh: No, never.  The clothing being wrinkled and then becoming straightened [through ironing], there is no harm in it” [Sharh Tirmidhi no. 306] Translated by Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir…

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The Ruling on Leaving Work Without Permission Due to an Emergency – The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and verdicts

Question: What is the ruling on leaving during work due to an emergency without taking permission from the boss? Answer: “It is necessary to ask permission from your boss during work. It is not allowed to leave except with his permission, unless you have an affair which is necessary and your boss is not present. In that case, you inform…

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The Ruling on Benefiting From Discounts Offerred by Stores at the end of the Gregorian Calender – Shaikh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhayli

Question: Regarding the discounts that are offered now by some big stores? Answer: “There is no harm for a Muslim to benefit from these discounts at the beginning of the new year. This is because he does not celebrate and this is not a festival. However, its a benefit given at this time. So he is allowed to benefit from…

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