
The Difference between Manhaj and Aqeedah – Shaykh Yahya bin Ali al Hajoori

Question: What is Manhaj (methdology)? And what is the difference between it and Aqeedah (creed)? Answer: Allah azza wa jal says: “[Say (O Muhammad) to these idolaters (pagan Arabs) of your folk:] Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah), and follow not any Auliya’ (protectors and helpers, etc. who order…

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Living separate from Parents – Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan

Question: the Questioner says he lives in a house separate from his parents, does that contradict complete kindness to the parents? Answer: No, that does not contradict complete kindness to the parents. It is not a must that you live with your parents. However, [if] you stand in their service and for their needs you are kind to them, whether…

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Ruling on Beef Gelatin – Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen

Question: What is the ruling on food that contains what is called gel or beef gelatin? Answer: If we know that the cow died by other than a human action or that the slaughterer did not slaughter the legislated slaughtering or it is from what is not permitted to slaughter, then it is dead meat, not permitted to eat it. So if…

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The virtue of Abu Bakr and Umar – Haafidh Zubair Ali Zai

Shaikh Haafidh Zubair Ali Zai rahimahullah wrote in his book Fadaail-us-Sahaabah: “Imam Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hussain al-Baaqir rahimahullah said:                                        مَنْ جَهِلَ فَضْلَ أَبِي بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ ، فَقَدْ جَهِلَ السُّنَّةَ “Whoever is ignorant of the virtue of Abu Bakr…

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Salatu Tasabeeh – Sheikh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Waad’iee

Question: What is the authenticity of Salatu Tasabeeh? Answer: The scholars have differed in this matter. As for Ibn Jawzi he mentioned it in Al- Mawdooa’at. Some of our contemporary scholars ruled it as fabricated.  As for Ibn Nasirud Deen Ad-Dimishqee then he has a treatise on its authentication. Also likewise the brother Saleem Al-Hilali has a treatise in its authentication.…

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Ruling on saying the Hawqalah (La huwla wa La quwwata illa Billah) when a disbeliever dies and supplicating for him – Shaikh Bin Baz

  Question: If a man or woman dies and he/she was a disbeliever, is it allowed that we say: إن لله وإنا إليه راجعون We belong to Allah and to him we shall return or is it not allowed? Also is it allowed that we say: يا أيتها النفْس الْمطْمئنة ارْجعي إلى ربك راضية مرْضية (It will be said to…

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