Questioner: “A Salafi brother (for the sake of Allah) lives with me. However, he shortens his beard and persists upon that. So how do I interact with him and I gave him advice [already]?
Shaikh: There is nothing upon you except advice and following up with reminders. And that you bring him an evidence which is necessary for him [to follow]. Then ask Allah to grant him guidance.
Questioner: A brother advised me to boycott him. Should I boycott him so that he returns to his affair?
Shaikh: Do not boycott him. If you boycott someone because he trims his beard, then the meaning [of that] is that it is necessary for you to retreat to the tops of the mountains [i.e. Leave society altogether]”
[Silsilatul-Huda wan-Nur (no. 19)]
Translated by
Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan