
Ruling on Writing Benefits in the Friday Khutbah – Shaikh Yahya Ibn Ali al-Hajoori

The Questioner says: What is the ruling on writing benefits in the Friday khutbah?

Answer: “A mistake. Allah magnified his reward in the reward of Jummah. The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

من مس الحصى فقد لغا

And whoever touches the pebbles, he has committed Lagha (useless activity).

[ Reported in Saheeh Muslim no. 857]

This is one who wants good, but who has made a mistake in its way. That is a time for silence not a time for recording. The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

ثمَّ أتَى الجمعةَ فاستمع وأنصت . غُفر له ما بينه وبين الجمعةِ

…Then came to Friday prayer, listened (to the sermon), kept silence all (his sins) between that time and the next Friday would be forgiven”…

[Reported in Saheeh Muslim no. 857 ]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulayman

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