
Will the People Who Commit Major Sins Receive Their Books in Their Right Hands on the Day of Judgement? – Shaikh Muqbil bin Haadi al-Wadi’ee

Question: Will the people who commit major sins from the Ummah of Muhammad take their books in their right hand? Answer: “That which is apparent is that those who will be saved from the Hell-fire from them will take their books in their right hand even if they are the people who committed major sins. They are in varying levels.…

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The Misguided Group of Abdullah al-Habashi – Shaikh Bin Baz

Shaikh Bin Baz (may Allah have mercy upon him) said in regards to the group known as the Ahbaash (الأحباش): “From Abdul-Aziz bin Abdillah bin Baz to dear brother (T.M.) may Allah protect him.  Salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. As for what follows: I refer to your specific inquiry to the Dar ul-Buhooth al-Ilmiyyah wal-Ifta (no. 313) on the…

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The Ruling on Air Mile Points – Shaikh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhayli

Question: this question is near to the previous question regarding what has spread and is called nowadays as air miles. Do the points which are obtained through the path of air miles in exchange for purchases using the credit card enter into the prohibition? Answer: “This is similar to what we have mentioned. These air miles are not financial benefit. If…

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The Habashi Sect – Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan

Question: May Allah be good to you, O possessor of virtue, the questioner says: What is your opinion about the Habashi sect, the followers of Abdullah al-Habashi al-Harari? Answer: “Books have been written on it and their mathhab has been clarified [in both] long and summarized works. A small treatise was issued from the Permanent Committee or a clarification, which is…

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