Question: What is the Ruling on Soccer Players Making the Prostration of Gratitude on the Pitch? Answer: “Soccer and playing soccer is not a blessing and the prostration of gratitude is only [done] during the renewal of blessing. So it [i..e. this action] is an innovation in this position. What do we gain from this soccer? What do the Muslims…
Some Advice About Snapchat – Shaikh Ali at-Tuwayjiri
Shaikh Ali at-Tuwayjiri (may Allah preserve him) said in regards to Snapchat: “…In reality we are in calamity in this time period. Nowadays we have what is called Snapchat and this type of speech. A person takes a picture of everything for you. That is, if you follow his Snapchat, you will see things which you will not see even…
The Ruling on an Employee Leaving Before the Work Hours End Without Permission – Shaikh Bin Baz
Question: The listener asks saying: he is an employee. However, during the end [of his work day] he does not have any work, so he leaves before the work hours end, especially in Ramadan. Sometimes in other than Ramadan we leave for field work and we return before Dhuhr. Then we leave to our houses. Is this allowed? Answer: “It…
Is Washing the Head in the Ghusl Obligatory? – Mufti Shaikh Abdul-Aziz bin Abdillah Ala Shaikh
Question: The questioner from Jeddah says: Is washing the head enter into the ghusl of Janabah or is washing the body enough? Answer: “It is obligatory in the ghusl of Janabah to cover the entire body [with water] for men and women The Prophet (ﷺ) used to pour water over his hair three times [al-Bukhari (no. 254) and Muslim (no.…
[Benefit] Saying “May Allah preserve you” If Someone Does Good to You – Shaikh ‘Adnan al-Masqari
Shaikh Abul-Yamaan ‘Adnan al-Masqari (may Allah preserve him) wrote: “Chapter: Supplication for the one who does good towards you. 1. May Allah reward you with good ( جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا) عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ حَضَرْتُ أَبِي حِينَ أُصِيبَ فَأَثْنَوْا عَلَيْهِ وَقَالُوا جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I was present with my father…
A Poem on Coffee-by Shaikh Zaid bin Muhammad bin Haadi al-Madkhali
“Coffee -Bunn-is refreshing for the bodies Its taste is enjoyable like dough and honey The companion of life, in travel it is friendly Like the whiff of musk when it spreads without a doubt And [it is] the aspiration of the soul in a delightful morning It pleases a companion when it is brought out at the time of leisure…
[A Poem] On Following the Book and the Sunnah – Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdillah as-Sulami al-Mursi al-Andalusi (d. 655 H.)
The Imam, the Skillful one, the Scholar of Hadith, the Mufassir, Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Abdillah as-Sulami al-Mursi al-Andalusi (d. 655 H.) -may Allah have mercy upon him-recited the following lines of poetry: “Whoever desires salvation then there is no [way to obtain it] Besides following the Chosen One in that which he came with That is the straight path…