Question: Is there a hadith about the way to sit when eating food? Answer: “There is. It is to sit erect upon the heels or to raise one foot and lay the other foot flat [and sit on it] taken from his statement (ﷺ): إنما أنا عبد أكل كما يأكل العبد وأجلس كما يجلس العبد Verily I am a…
Category: Fatawa
Number of Steps a Praying Person Can Take to Reach a Sutrah – Shaikh Al-Albani
Questioner: Shaikh, a praying person comes late to the congregational prayer and he missed three raka’at of dhuhr, then the Imam ends the prayer. What is the amount [of steps] he can walk in order to take a sutrah? Shaikh: He takes [an amount of] steps such that if he was seen, no one will say “he is not praying”.…
The Manners of hugging according to the Sunnah-Shaikh Al-Albani
Question: How is hugging done according to the Sunnah? Shaikh: Hugging is embracing, like this. Questioner: Chest to chest? Shaikh: No. As for [providing] an accurate description, then we cannot say: chest to chest or side to chest. Whichever way it is easy for you [i.e. that is the way to hug]. [Taken from Fatawaa Raabigh no. 4 found here:…
Are the general folk of Europe and other than them from the People of Fatrah – Shaikh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Wadi’ee
Question: Are the disbelievers in France, Britain, America, and other than them considered from the people of the Fatrah [those who died between the Prophethood] although they have something of knowledge and awareness of Islam? So for example, they know that the Two Testimonies and prayer are from the five pillars etc. and the Allah is one. So what is…
Ruling on Handbags – Shaikh Muqbil
Question: It is spread between the women today to carry a handbag when they leave the house and sometimes there is nothing in it and there is no need for it. So what is the ruling of this and is it imitating the disbelieving women or not? Answer: If this matter came from the enemies of Islaam, then it is…
Ruling on working as a Fashion Designer – Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Question: Oh Virtuous Shaikh, is working as a fashion designer impermissible knowing that he cannot find other work or that he stays away from facial drawings and he works in making it [i.e. the clothing]? Jazakallahu Khairan Answer: Everyone who works in the impermissible, then it is impermissible for him because it is from the affair of cooperating in evil…
The Ruling of Combing the hair every other day – Shaikh Yahya ibn Ali al-Hajoori
Question: What is the ruling on combing the hair everyday for men and women? Answer: “He (ﷺ) used to comb his hair every other day*. In reality, this is not a prohibition, however, if he combs his hair every other day, one day he does it and the other day he leaves it off and the likes of that, and…
Ruling on playing with the beard,which results in some hair falling off- Shaikh Raajihi
Question: Some people play with their beards sometimes, then some hair falls from it. Is there a sin upon them because of that? Answer: The falling of dead hair does not harm when showering and when making wudu, however, it is necessary for a person not to play [with his beard] deliberately. May Allah facilitate everyone towards his obedience. …
Is the Addition Sign Considered a Cross? – Shaikh Al-Albani
Question: is the addition sign which is on the clothes considered a cross? And is it allowed to pray wearing? Answer: “Yes, I was forced to innovate an innovation [I.e. a worldly innovation] to remove the crosses which the Muslims have been afflicted with even on their calculators. So this is a cross. Like this, it is necessary for the…
Ruling of Eid Salah in a Musallah inside the City – Shaikh Al-Albani
Question: Is it a must that the Musallah of Eid be outside the city? And what is the ruling of establishing it in a Soccer arena/ground? Answer: The origin of the musallah of eid is that it is outside the city, this is the Sunnah. So if that is easy for you then you have done well, If it is…