
How to sit when eating -Shaikh Al-Albani

Question: Is there a hadith about the way to sit when eating food? Answer: “There is. It is to sit erect upon the heels or to raise one foot and lay the other foot flat [and sit on it] taken from his statement (ﷺ):   إنما أنا عبد أكل كما يأكل العبد وأجلس كما يجلس العبد Verily I am a…

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Are the general folk of Europe and other than them from the People of Fatrah – Shaikh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Wadi’ee

Question: Are the disbelievers in France, Britain, America, and other than them considered from the people of the Fatrah [those who died between the Prophethood] although they have something of knowledge and awareness of Islam? So for example, they know that the Two Testimonies and prayer are from the five pillars etc. and the Allah is one. So what is…

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Ruling on Handbags – Shaikh Muqbil

Question: It is spread between the women today to carry a handbag when they leave the house and sometimes there is nothing in it and there is no need for it. So what is the ruling of this and is it imitating the disbelieving women or not? Answer: If this matter came from the enemies of Islaam, then it is…

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Ruling on playing with the beard,which results in some hair falling off- Shaikh Raajihi

Question: Some people play with their beards sometimes, then some hair falls from it. Is there a sin upon them because of that? Answer: The falling of dead hair does not harm when showering and when making wudu, however, it is necessary for a person not to play [with his beard] deliberately. May Allah facilitate everyone towards his obedience.  …

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